If there is one piece of advice that I’d ever feel comfortable in giving to anyone, it would be this; never rush the completion of your art and secondly, never regret doing it. This goes for anyone that thirsts or aches to present something towards an audience to consume. Art, and the various modes it fashions itself with is both a symbolic and intrinsic depiction of one’s humanity. An expression and individualistic representation of the identity it attempts to mirror. Music is but one of the best manners in approaching such a human construct for it pairs quite fucking well with enjoying the fine arts.
Often times, however, music is also the most difficult artistry of them all to conquer or express. I’ll argue this because it generally takes more than one person to perfect the art of musical harmony and the melody it holds. For those that have no idea of what being in a band is like then imagine it as a relationship with three or more people. Yeah, you thought dealing with one person could be a headache? Work around a schedule and a drummer who’s in five other bands and then the actual relationships and life behind it. Struggle through missed practices, come down to crunch time at the studio, and then work your personal life into the mix as to ensure there are no conflictions. You need both chemistry and opportunity for any relationship to work out properly. The connection has to be real, the timing needs to be right, and the sex has to be on fucking point. Granted, we would just swap the later with righteous jams but you get the point.
TRÜ is such a band that possesses every positive quality of musicianship and the relationship that is required when being in a band. The chemistry alone is rather inherent as this music is laden with emotion, energy, and passion while the opportunity as ever just seemed to pan out. Every track is but an honest representation of these musicians and the impassioned nature they yearn to present towards their listeners. More personally, these intimately engaging songs are inspired by that of their loved ones and the adoration they give all so well. It is also about the disengagements of previous loves and how those came to cease.
Out of any recording studio, these fine young kids could have gone to, only Nada Recording Studios seemed to feel right for this record. Considering the fact that they produced Armor for Sleep, Brand New, and My Chemical Romance’s first records? Well, why the hell not because it only seems fitting for such a young and talented act to begin their discography.
Tomorrow night is the big gig so for those unsure of what’s going on or where to be Head over to Sharkey’s Campus Inn to see TRÜ, Whiner, No Honeymoon, & Young House rip it up all evening.

A ten dollar entry gets you admission, a free copy of the new 7”, and a goodie bag for the first 50 heads. After listening to this demo for the last couple of weeks I would have to insist that any indie loving fan influenced by the sweet sound of 90’s reverberation and the crooning calls of rock n’ roll to come out and support what would inevitably be your new favorite act. Let us not forget to give thanks to Destroy All Monsters, an imaginatively new record label based out of Montclair, for issuing their first album. A release to what will surely be a healthy discography of both label and artist.
Fair winds and traveling sea’s to you all that attend and special heartfelt thanks to Steve, Pat, Keith, and Cindy for believing in this website and for blessing these often falling ears on what will surely be my favorite release thus far!
Lastly, let me part with these solemn yet sanguine words of love and the aspiration it strives to hold. If there is someone out there that just gets to the inner being of your heart and soul? A being of beauty and grace that only shatters any preconceived notion of apprehension or confusion? Someone that just makes you believe in more than yourself or the seemingly dismal world around you? Someone that just smiles and breaks the mold of pain and heartache? The fact that, that someone has a goddamn name and a fairer face? Then go after them and give it your all because TRÜ is here to provide a soundtrack to that love and the hopeful union that follows with.
Track by Track
“Take a Peek”
From the fuzz ridden bass lines and the bright sounding guitars to the harmonizing vocalizing of Pat and Keith, this track alone qualifies as a college radio banger. A promising introductory track reminiscent of emo influence that proclaims both the promise and bane of love itself. It “oohs and ahhs” in all the right ways baby so welcome to your first bit of taste to what is certainly a TRÜ song.
The only bit of criticism that lays within the confines of what I hope to be a solid article is this: I personally would have preferred the boys and gals of TRÜ to have re-recorded Fool’s Gold instead. With that being said, the intoxicating bass lines produced by Cindy and the euphony of harmony by both Pat and Keith’s guitar has undoubtedly engineered a wholehearted masterpiece. So please do not mistake my preference as a sign of distaste because I am not looking for trouble with this one.
This song nearly drove tears from these often dry eyes upon the initial listen to this moving love song of a guy and his gal. A heart-rending love song aimed towards lead guitarists Keith Williams’s lovely girlfriend. Reminiscent of early 90’s college rock with an influence of Seattle sound that only an early Weezer fan would be stoked to hear. Think this generation’s “Susanne” but a bit groovier and much more copacetic in terms of musical structure. Think of a warm summer evening with the girl of your dreams at the helm of the driver side; a navigator of both road and the heart it has placed within. This song is most certainly the only one for me to get hooked on so please roll the windows down, play at full volume, and hold her goddamn hand the whole way home to this.
“Hand In Hand”
The first impression of this track is the apparent attention to detail of expressing emotion as a driving factor of a song. Feelings of melancholy and all of this life’s somber loneliness seem to take hold of my own emotions. It isn’t until the second listen that the TRÜ nature of this punching hit of a jam intends to present. This is the defenseless side of Keith Williams as he displays an innate ability to drop his guard by crooning this solicitous inch of vinyl. As of late, there has seemed to be a resurgence of shoegaze, a genre that expresses a blurred sound due to the reverb gaze it fabricates. Bands such as My Bloody Valentine, Slowdive, and my personal fucking favorite, Ride, have played an impacting role on modern acts such as Turnover, Nothing, and especially the talk of this article, TRÜ.
Should this genre happen to be unbeknown genre or your first instance of listen, TRÜ displays a proper definition of shoegaze with this bit. All without being constricted to a singular identity or limited by genre specifics. By this point, you the listener should notice that each of these tracks are disparate to a degree from one another. This one being a somber realization of love and the hopeful decree of admiration it is directed towards.
Interview with Guitarist Patrick DeFrancisci
HW: What’s the story behind the conception of this indie rock love band? How did this all get put together and with what intentions?
P: I wrote a few of these songs after a shitty breakup but couldn’t find anyone to flesh them out with so they were just random ideas that lived in my voice memos. Then, Keith and I were a few deep at a friends wedding and I showed him some of the songs. He said he’d like to jam with them and although I didn’t believe him, we met up and wrote our first demos. Shortly after, I called Steve, who I’ve always vibed with to add his particular styling to the tracks and then finally we finalized the lineup with Cindy.
There was no real goal when we started the band but we all love these songs so much it’s motivated us to put in the work to be a regular thing.
HW: Tru is a rather talented outfit comprised of various acts that make up the New Jersey music scene. From hardcore (96/T2$) to indie pop punk (Archie Alone) and the dozens of bands that Steve manages to be in. How do you find the time to get this band into gear and on the stage?
P: At first we just got together when we could and being that writing with everyone came so naturally, that sufficed at the time. As we got more songs and more shows we carved out a night to practice every week. The great thing about everyone involved is we’re all equally motivated to take this to another level so it never seems like we’re truly “working.”
HW: The song Hand in Hand is goddamn beautiful. An enticing shoegaze jam worthy of ears that praise MBV and Slowdive. What is this song in regards to if you don’t mind me asking?
P: I wrote this song about someone I was dating awhile back. It was how I was feeling at a particular high point in our relationship because we had gone back and forth for so long. It was kind of one of those caught in a moment type songs.
HW: How was the production on the new record like over at Nada Studios?
P: Nada was amazing. John (Naclerio) really brought out the best version of the songs we gave to him. He’s worked with so many amazing bands that we just really put our trust in him and the things he added to the mix were truly incredible.
HW: Where can we see Trü in the future and with that, what plans do y’all have for this summer?
P: You can catch us at our 7-inch release show Saturday 6/10 at Sharkey’s Campus Inn over in Union with our pals in No Honeymoon, Whiner, and Young House. After that, we’ll be playing a benefit for our favorite venue the Meatlocker at Mexicali Live over in Teaneck with Ted Leo, Whiner, and Sunshine and the Rain. We are still writing like crazy so expect new(er) jams sooner rather than later.
HW: If you could collectively explain why one should give TRÜ a spin, what would you tell to these potential new fans?
P: At this point in my music “career,” I’m just writing the best songs I can and if you like them? Cool. If not? Then fuck it! (laughs) because we’ll still be playing shows and jamming with our friends.
HW: Any last words or shout outs buddy?
P: Pick up our debut 7-inch dropping today! You can pick it up here on Destroy All Monsters Records or at our record release this Saturday. Thanks for having me Matt, you rule!