Ten Ton Hammer are ferocious beast of a band that have been more than gracious to their fans by releasing an exclusive premiere of their forthcoming record entitled Always Empty 7”. This record is expected to be out on August 6th off Harvcore Records during their performance at This Is Hardcore ’16. The same label that brought you bands like Agitator, Rock Bottom, and Wrong Answer.
In the most simplistic manner this record could be perceived as metal-core. This however, is not necessarily the case. Ten Ton Hammer hails from none other than the City of Brotherly Love that has been on the forefront of producing and hosting music across the board. Especially in regards to hardcore, metal, or anything to bang your head and swing across a room to. Fuck, TIHC is held in Philly so you know this city can put it on.
With the album itself? The riffs are ensuing and crushing to say the least. The rhythm flows in and out of consciousness like an untimely and impending sea state that hits heavier each time the bow gets rocked. Furthermore, these guys were able to fully mature and nick out the sound that they seemed to be heading towards. Perfect amount of fast aggression mixed with belligerent heaviness. Lyrics will make you pop a blood vessel screaming while the content is no holds barred. Overall this record fucking kicks man and pardon the “hype” I made. Regardless, support the scene and cop a record. They have some pretty cool options that you can check real quick here or at the bottom of the page.
All the 7” are six dollars and include a digital download. It can be bought in violet (200), frost (100), random mix (100), or splatter (100). If you’re a record freak, then you can get them all for $22 bucks. Digital downloads are only $3.50.

Still, check these guys out this summer and especially be on the lookout for them at TIHC ’16. Picking up a record only supports bands making bigger and better music for the scene. This record alone is enough to satisfy anyone trying to listen to a heavy banger that is both raw and detailed.
Bump it.